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The imperfect Instagram world


Many of you may not know this, but I began an Instagram page!

Its a wonderful place for me to ramble on stories with no point in sight and for me to post pictures of my life. It's mostly of my kids and plants, but once in a while I'll share clothes that I found that I happen to really like for two main reasons: they are comfy and they are practical. A few months back, I was scrolling through my explore page, and man, I closed the app, put my phone down, and really digested everything. And I mean everything! From the products I don't know how to use, to the clothes that I know won't fit me, to even the women who I look nothing like! It's all wonderful and I admire everything single woman crushing it on that app, but for a mom over thirty, whos clothes don't fit quite right, whos face barely gets washed (don't even get me started on showering); It was really hard to fully digest a world that I feel like I wasn't succeeding in!

This brings me back to my page (if you have the app, my name is short_and_sweeter)!! You guys, I started thinking maybe, if not for myself, I should create a space for a mom who isn't quite the "Instagram norm". A mom who showcases that her life is not picture perfect, her face is not picture perfect, and whos wardrobe consists of mostly pajamas, joggers, sweatpants... you guys get the picture!

I won't pretend that I didn't get all dolled up just to take a picture to show off something that I think is cute! Who doesn't want to show off that cute dress they just got from Target?

Once in a while I'll do just that!

Hence this picture to the left! The difference though is, I'll immediately let you know, this is not normal. This is not what I do as a mom of three who can barely get herself up and out of bed before her kids are begging to be fed!

Let a momma get some coffee before you start demanding for bagels, donuts and cereal... Am I right?!

Also, can we all just take a moment to acknowledge that moms never have a full charge on their phone? Where do all of the chargers I buy for this entire house go exactly? Why is there always a child's iPad on my charger?

Anyways, I know as moms, we are always comparing ourselves to others... ALL THE TIME. How can her hair be perfect and her makeup pristine? How is she wearing jeans? Women actually put on jeans after child birth? I'm being sarcastic, but really, we've all seen those moms who are just knocking it out of the park. I just don't happen to be that mom! I will knock it out of the park if you want to show up and wear joggers and a ripped shirt! I'll knock it out of the park if you want to sit and talk about the gross things our kids did the day prior. I'll even knock it out of the park about the gross things I DID!

Ha! We all have a moments and I think that's amazing!

I want you all to know that I will support each and every one of you!

This gets to me point about the Instagram world. I'll support the account where the 20 something is promoting her products that I know nothing about or the size zero woman promoting that beautiful dress that I know I could never fit into. I'll support that mom whos life seems to be slightly more of a sideshow than mine. Or the Mom whos life seems to be wrapped up in the most perfect bow. That's what's so wonderful though about being happy with who you are and the direction your life is going. I know I'm not perfect. I know that these things I see on Instagram just are blimps in time. That after the picture is snapped, that life really begins. That I don't know the whole story behind every photograph. I think that's what's so powerful about creating a space where transparency allows other moms to seek comfort in knowing they aren't the only ones. And to be honest, I shouldn't even say "moms" because I know all women are happy knowing that life behind that screen isn't perfect!

I just want you all to know, that I will try and be a positive light (even through my darkest moments). I'll try and allow you to see that not everyone's life is put together.

I really want to be a person that anyone can talk to and laugh with. If having this account helps myself and anyone reach their happiness or find a bright moment in the day, than I'm more than happy to open up my life to others!

Maybe on my next post, I'll tell you how the first few days have already brought happiness to my life! Until then, I'll play with my kids, finish that half load of laundry that I've been putting off, and really take in at least one moment of today since they seem to be flying by...



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